203 research outputs found

    Non-silicon Microfabricated Nanostructured Chemical Sensors For Electric Nose Application

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    A systematic investigation has been performed for Electric Nose , a system that can identify gas samples and detect their concentrations by combining sensor array and data processing technologies. Non-silicon based microfabricatition has been developed for micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) based gas sensors. Novel sensors have been designed, fabricated and tested. Nanocrystalline semiconductor metal oxide (SMO) materials include SnO2, WO3 and In2O3 have been studied for gas sensing applications. Different doping material such as copper, silver, platinum and indium are studied in order to achieve better selectivity for different targeting toxic gases including hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide etc. Fundamental issues like sensitivity, selectivity, stability, temperature influence, humidity influence, thermal characterization, drifting problem etc. of SMO gas sensors have been intensively investigated. A novel approach to improve temperature stability of SMO (including tin oxide) gas sensors by applying a temperature feedback control circuit has been developed. The feedback temperature controller that is compatible with MEMS sensor fabrication has been invented and applied to gas sensor array system. Significant improvement of stability has been achieved compared to SMO gas sensors without temperature compensation under the same ambient conditions. Single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) has been studied to improve SnO2 gas sensing property in terms of sensitivity, response time and recovery time. Three times of better sensitivity has been achieved experimentally. The feasibility of using TSK Fuzzy neural network algorithm for Electric Nose has been exploited during the research. A training process of using TSK Fuzzy neural network with input/output pairs from individual gas sensor cell has been developed. This will make electric nose smart enough to measure gas concentrations in a gas mixture. The model has been proven valid by gas experimental results conducted

    Learning to Segment and Represent Motion Primitives from Driving Data for Motion Planning Applications

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    Developing an intelligent vehicle which can perform human-like actions requires the ability to learn basic driving skills from a large amount of naturalistic driving data. The algorithms will become efficient if we could decompose the complex driving tasks into motion primitives which represent the elementary compositions of driving skills. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to segment unlabeled trajectory data into a library of motion primitives. By applying a probabilistic inference based on an iterative Expectation-Maximization algorithm, our method segments the collected trajectories while learning a set of motion primitives represented by the dynamic movement primitives. The proposed method utilizes the mutual dependencies between the segmentation and representation of motion primitives and the driving-specific based initial segmentation. By utilizing this mutual dependency and the initial condition, this paper presents how we can enhance the performance of both the segmentation and the motion primitive library establishment. We also evaluate the applicability of the primitive representation method to imitation learning and motion planning algorithms. The model is trained and validated by using the driving data collected from the Beijing Institute of Technology intelligent vehicle platform. The results show that the proposed approach can find the proper segmentation and establish the motion primitive library simultaneously

    Reinforcement Learning for Ramp Control: An Analysis of Learning Parameters

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been proposed to deal with ramp control problems under dynamic traffic conditions; however, there is a lack of sufficient research on the behaviour and impacts of different learning parameters. This paper describes a ramp control agent based on the RL mechanism and thoroughly analyzed the influence of three learning parameters; namely, learning rate, discount rate and action selection parameter on the algorithm performance. Two indices for the learning speed and convergence stability were used to measure the algorithm performance, based on which a series of simulation-based experiments were designed and conducted by using a macroscopic traffic flow model. Simulation results showed that, compared with the discount rate, the learning rate and action selection parameter made more remarkable impacts on the algorithm performance. Based on the analysis, some suggestionsabout how to select suitable parameter values that can achieve a superior performance were provided

    A Time Efficient Approach for Decision-Making Style Recognition in Lane-Change Behavior

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    Fast recognizing driver's decision-making style of changing lanes plays a pivotal role in safety-oriented and personalized vehicle control system design. This paper presents a time-efficient recognition method by integrating k-means clustering (k-MC) with K-nearest neighbor (KNN), called kMC-KNN. The mathematical morphology is implemented to automatically label the decision-making data into three styles (moderate, vague, and aggressive), while the integration of kMC and KNN helps to improve the recognition speed and accuracy. Our developed mathematical morphology-based clustering algorithm is then validated by comparing to agglomerative hierarchical clustering. Experimental results demonstrate that the developed kMC-KNN method, in comparison to the traditional KNN, can shorten the recognition time by over 72.67% with recognition accuracy of 90%-98%. In addition, our developed kMC-KNN method also outperforms the support vector machine (SVM) in recognition accuracy and stability. The developed time-efficient recognition approach would have great application potential to the in-vehicle embedded solutions with restricted design specifications

    Large scale software test data generation based on collective constraint and weighted combination method

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    Ispitivanje pouzdanosti softvera znači ispitivanje softvera kako bi se provjerilo da li udovoljava zahtjevima pouzdanosti i kako bi se procijenio njegov stupanj pouzdanosti. Statistički temeljeno ispitivanje pouzdanosti softvera općenito uključuje tri dijela: izgradnju modela, generiranje ispitnih podataka i ispitivanje. Stvaranje modela upotrebe softvera treba što je više moguće odražavati korisnikovu stvarnu primjenu. Potreban je ogroman broj ispitivanih slučajeva da bi se zadovoljila distribucija vjerojatnoće u slučaju stvarne upotrebe; inače će ispitivanje pouzdanosti izgubiti originalno značenje. U ovom radu najprije predlažemo novu metodu strukturiranja modela primjene softvera zasnovanu na modulima i heurističkoj metodi koja se temelji na ograničenjima. Zatim predlažemo metodu za generiranje podataka za ispitivanje uzimajući u obzir kombinaciju i težinu ulaznih podataka što smanjuje veliki broj mogućih kombinacija ulaznih varijabli na samo nekoliko reprezentativnih i povećava praktičnost primjene ispitne metode. U svrhu provjere učinkovitosti metode predložene u ovom radu, organizirane su četiri grupe eksperimenata. Ispravnost odgovarajućeg indeksa (GFI- goodness of fit index) pokazuje da je predložena metoda bliža upotrebi aktualnog softvera; također smo ustanovili da ima bolju pokrivenost kod uporabe Java Pathfinder-a za analizu četiri niza pokrivenosti internog koda.Software reliability test is to test software with the purpose of verifying whether the software achieves reliability requirements and evaluating software reliability level. Statistical-based software reliability testing generally includes three parts: building usage model, test data generation and testing. The construction of software usage model should reflect user\u27s real use as far as possible. A huge number of test cases are required to satisfy the probability distribution of the actual usage situation; otherwise, the reliability test will lose its original meaning. In this paper, we first propose a new method of structuring software usage model based on modules and constraint-based heuristic method. Then we propose a method for the testing data generation in consideration of the combination and weight of the input data, which reduces a large number of possible combinations of input variables to a few representative ones and improves the practicability of the testing method. To verify the effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper, four groups of experiments are organized. The goodness of fit index (GFI) shows that the proposed method is closer to the actual software use; we also found that the method proposed in this paper has a better coverage by using Java Pathfinder to analyse the four sets of internal code coverage